torstai 4. lokakuuta 2012

A new medium of storage?

I am of course talking about the quartz glass piece @
And am I the only one who immediately remembered the crystals filled with information, from the superman?
And then the search for this exact picture got me here:

"Martynas Beresna, lead researcher for the project at Southampton University's optoelectronics research centre, said they can currently store the equivalent of a whole Blu-ray Disc – up to 50GB of data – on a piece of glass no bigger than a mobile phone screen."

That is rather impessive I would say. And glass/crystal memorysticks would be AWESOME! Though the size of a mobile phone screen varies a lot nowdays, still I'm intriqued.

"The material currently has four layers of dots, which can hold 40 megabytes per square inch" It seems the two techniques are diffirent in a such a way that the UK universitys model has no layers, but still holds better memory capability. Would somebody please go and show these people each others research, so that we can have high capacity crystal memory sticks? Pretty please?

I'm sorry for the Blog being updated only just now. Schoolwork (and Red Dead Redemption PS3) is taking up my energy. Though this is a shorter post, I could see myself doing these more in quantity, less in length. Occasionally writing something more informational for you, when someting is exeptionally intresting to me.

Thanks for you patience, not even a single E-mail complaining about my lack of activity! :)